Account Email Notifications: Account Administrators select or de-select the Email Alerts for this Account. Users will only receive Email Notifications for the Email Alert Conditions that are selected at the Account level. See a short Video on adding a User which includes setting email Alerts
User Email Notifications: Select the Receive Email Notifications checkbox in User Details/General Details if this User is to receive Email Notifications in Settings/Users/Edit User/Project Permission and Email Notifications tab.
User Email Notifications by Project: Select the specific Email Notifications by Project for this User in the Project Permission and Email Notifications tab. Settings/Users/Edit User/Project Permission and Email Notifications.
User Project Permission: Select the Projects this User may view/access in the Project Permission column.
Existing Projects: Customize the Email Notifications by User for a specific project in the Edit Project screen.
Project Dashboard: click the Project Name to open the Edit Project screen.
Click the User Project Permission and Email Notifications tab.
Project Permission by User: Select Users who may view/access this Project, Template or Template Block in the Project Permission column.
Email Notifications by User: Select the specific Email Notifications per individual User for this specific project in each Email Notification column.
New Projects: Double click on the yellow Project Objective/Final Task to open the Edit Project screen.
Click the User Project Permission and Email Notifications tab.
Project Permission by User: Select Users who may view/access this Project or Template in the Project Permission column.
Email Notifications by User: Select the specific Email Notifications per individual User for this specific project in each Email Notification column.