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Safety Time: Importance of Eliminating Safety Time from Tasks

Amplify the signal to track potential gains or losses in time (fluctuations) in Task Duration to evaluate their impact on the sequence of dependent Tasks.


Enhanced Sensitivity: By removing safety time from each task, the project’s ability to respond to time fluctuations increases, allowing for a more accurate impact analysis of the dependent tasks into the buffer penetration. This prevents a ‘dampening’ effect of hidden invisible safety time inside tasks, the cause of delayed intervention.

Risk and Proactivity: This method intensifies the Project Risk Quotient (PRQ), enhancing the Early Warning (EW) systems. This fosters a proactive management approach, facilitating immediate action and intervention when necessary.

Buffering: It is crucial to note that the safety time removed from tasks is not discarded but instead accumulated and strategically allocated at the end of a string of dependent tasks. This consolidated time buffer is easily monitored by management, ensuring that any shift in task durations is promptly identified and can be managed effectively

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Updated on December 7, 2023