Partial Resource Type Allocation: Users should allocate the % of time a Resource Type is expected to work on a task as a decimal. The shortest Task duration remains 1 day in Exepron.
Dynamic Drum, Resource Loading Charts and Reports - will reflect the actual Resource Loading (including decimals) and will be rounded up to calculate the % for Charts, Reports and Graphs.
Example: 1 day Task:
If a quantity of 0.50 of a Resource Type (Architect) is assigned to a 1 day task, this RT (Architect) is scheduled to work 50% of their time on this 1 day task.
If a quantity of 2.50 Administrative Assistants are assigned to a 1 day task, then 2.50 Administrative Assistants are scheduled to work on this 1 day task.
Example: 5 day Task:
If a quantity of 0.50 of a Resource Type (Architect) is assigned to a 5 day task, this RT (Architect) is scheduled to work 50% of their time each day on this 5 day task.
If a quantity of 2.50 Administrative Assistants are assigned to a 5 day task, then 2.50 Administrative Assistants are scheduled to work each day on this 5 day task.
Duration in Days: Enter the number of days required to complete this Task.
Touch Time: Schedule only the estimated “touch time” for a task. Which means all of the disruptions; delays, ‘contingency’, ‘safety time’ or ‘padding’ time must be removed.
Exepron will not accept partial days or 0 days. A work day = 8 hours.
The Work Week for this Account is selected in the Calendar for this Account (Settings/Calendar).
IMPORTANT: Exepron will automatically calculate and insert the Buffers during Scheduling.
Task Details: Double click on the top left corner of the yellow sticky to open the Task Details.
View the Task Details section for detailed information.
The initial planning is now complete and will look like a Pert Chart, referred to as a Project Network.