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Activities: Adding Activities On-the-Fly

Exepron now features Activities and the ability to add Activities On-the-Fly.

Purpose: Tasks requiring smaller checklists of Activities as one-off unique Activities related to completing a specific Task, but don’t need to populate the Activity Library.

Problems resolved:

  1. Editing Activities from the Library changes the Activity Text on all other Tasks.
  2. Creating Unique one-off Activities on a specific Task caused a build-up of Activities in the Activity library.

Solution: Create a unique one-of Activities in Task Details / Activities/icon: Activity Library or icon: Activity On-the-Fly.



Here is how:

  1. Open Task Details/ Activities.
  2. Select the (+) icon to add a Unique Activity to the Task without it populating the Activity Library.
  3. The Unique Taslk specific Activity now appears in all Reports, ready to be managed like the rest of the Activities.


Add Activities in Task Details:



Fill in te Details for your Unique Task Specific Activty.



What are your Thoughts?
Updated on December 21, 2023