This document is intended for authorized Exepron Account Uses only and cannot be distributed or reproduced without the written consent of Dux Global, Inc. and Exepron. ©Copyright Exepron. All Rights Reserved.

Changing Project Status Guide

Exepron follows a logical sequence of Phases and is indicated by a Project Statuses.

Phases: Planning, Scheduling, Execution, and Analysis.

Each phase in the project life cycle is progressed by a Project Status indicating in which Phase it resided.

Users can navigate and change Project Status on the Portfolio Dashboard.

On the Portfolio Dashboard:

  1. Select the Projects that require a Status Change by clicking the left-side Check Boxes.
  2. Select the desired new status from the  Change Project Status dropdown.
    1. Accepted.
    2. Pipeline.
    3. Started.
    4. Freeze.
    5. Archive.
    6. Deleted (Warning: this will permanently remove a project from the portfolio).

Some Status change sequences are not practical or possible.
Example: changing from Planning PERT directly to Started status without first running and Accepting a CCPM schedule.

Here is a useful table to guide the User.


What are your Thoughts?
Updated on September 9, 2022